September 17, 2005

Finally returned !

It took me exactly 912 hours or 54720 minutes to post this write-up. Quite a long time indeed. What on earth (or outside of it) had changed due to no-posts in my blog. Actually it didn’t make any changes --- Our nearest star– Sun continues its nuclear fusion reaction process and which is responsible for binding of our blue-cum-blackened (as well as ozoned) Earth in its belt and helps the later to keep rotating to create day and night, the anti-matter in CERN reactors is still being tried upon to create ultra - super clean energy that will purify your soul and show how big bang happened and also answer the most intriguing question “is God exists?” (ideas inherited from : Dan Brown's ‘Angels & Demons’), environmentalists never came to agreement ( at least no MoUs ) about our world climate, Katrina’s merciless attack didn’t show any trace of mercy on the people whom its government neglected them and showed interest elsewhere in a country which is half way round the earth only to jeopardize the already existing system, no freezing of Sania mirza’s non-stop run from 300 odd rank to 34 th ranked women player in world of tennis which gave her enough guts to wear a t-shirt saying " You can either agree with me or be wrong " at a press conference and she is from a country where certain section of people with their old attitudes and beliefs dictate dress codes to women, no stopage of bloggers’ postings and comments on unfathomable memory space maintained by thousands of computers running on Linux across the world, it never changed the speed with which Windows Xp work on my moderately outdated computer system or the troubles it brings almost everyday, no breaks to my unceasing thoughts on myriad things around me or to my 'always on silence mode ' which makes my friends think how controlled I am and instill ephemeral envies in them ……….

One thing it (non-posting time gap) certainly helped me to do. Thinking about how I spent (wasted) my precious time to write this write-up which effectively speaks nothing but just make one of my fellow blogger to read the post which I have made after 3196800 seconds or 37 days.