January 20, 2006

'Brain' Virus

First PC virus - Brain, has just celebrated its 20th birthday. It infected the boot sector and spreaded through floppy disks of the age. It is considered to be no way in comparison with its modern counterparts. Interestingly the first virus(Brain) also called by the names such as Pakistani, Lahore, Pakistani flu !!!! . Two brothers from Pakistan wrote this virus to protect their software from infringers. They wrote their address with their phone numbers in the virus and notified the affected that they can contact them for vaccination !!! Here is what they included in their virus code : - source

Welcome to the Dungeon (c) 1986 Basit * Amjad (pvt) Ltd. BRAIN COMPUTER SERVICES 730 NIZAM BLOCK ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN LAHORE-PAKISTAN PHONE: 430791,443248,280530. Beware of this VIRUS.... Contact us for vaccination...

They are the true virus writers !!! Ha ha.. :)

January 13, 2006

Agely observation

Its been long time to post here. Time and again I try to keep up with you folks but, damn work time I couldn't but look for a escape.

I am now reading a book called " The World Is Flat : A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century " by Thomas L.Friedman . May be I couldn't give review of the book or for that matter my opinion as I am marking on initial pages. This morning while I was reading, I remembered of a small note in one of Swami Vivekananda's biography. I will reproduce, in my own words, about one of his thoughts.

The thing goes like this, the world was influenced by many sections of people all over the ages. Initially the world was lead by people who are philosophers in nature like Aristotle. People followed their wisdom and their speech. In Hinduism caste division terms, world was lead by Brahmins. Then came Kings who ruled all over the world. In Hindu terms, Kshatriyas. In the late twentieth century world was more influenced by business people. Things like globalization had profound impact on people's lives. In Hinduism, the influencers were Vaisyas. The next in the row of Hindu's lexicon is Shudras who roughly equivalent to the people who do services.

Thomas Friedman in this book started with the factors that influenced globalisation in recent years. Though I haven't finished reading this book, I got hints from his initial pages that the influencer of next wave of globalization going to be Service Industries. He predicts that a person can book a table in a restaurant through a call which traverses across the boundaries. That is, the booking actually happens in a remote call center that may be located way across the globe, and things like that.

The period influenced by businesses(at present) might be followed by the age of Services. People will serve other people. That might definitely influence the way we lead our lives. If that happens, it will reaffirm Vivekananda's thoughts .