I am afraid that Delhi may not host Common Wealth Games in 2010, raising the bar set in Melbourne 2006. The kind of infrastructure needed, we can only dream of, unless some serious actions are implemented. The kind of bureaucracy we have, in our country, is perhaps the worst hurdle to leap over. A country which is planning to bid for Olympics in a decade, has to showcase its event staging capabilities at this scale. This is our best chance. What we need is inspiring leadership which take us across all the hurdles and stage a truly global event and showcase India and its potential in these unentered waters. Shouldn't we challenge like, Delhi will be ready by 2008 for Common Wealth Games ???
March 28, 2006
Delhi 2008!
March 17, 2006
The Orkut mania
It sent shock waves to all those fresh grads from college in my company. For some, it felt like some one snapped their very life thread. For many, the justification of existence made nullified. "Oh my God !, if that is not available, then what I am going do here... dig dung cakes or what? !!" said one fellow (that guy is in free pool!). My friend is about make a friendship (may be something else) with a girl through Orkut. He was so surprised and overwhelmed that a girl is scrapping him ("replying" him in orkut lingo) for the first time in his life. When he is about to make finishing touches to mark their friendship/"some"-ship, the page came crashing informing him that the www.orkut.com is blocked by my company's proxy servers. He was in a deep shock. A shrill of current passed through his whole body. He was like "What the heck? Why only me? Every time. Time and again it is happening. A friend. Just a friend I asked. Why God?? Why??? What wrong did I do. One lady friend..... and then it may develop to.......". Cursed himself. The whole day he looked like a person whose soul has been looted. Poor fellow. Never mind, he did his finishing touches somewhere else. There were series of outcries to find external proxies and by pass through company's proxies. Few people found them. In hours they are also blocked.
Into serious thoughts, I think there can be different opinions about how good Orkut can be best used for. There can be unending arguments how best the Orkut can be used as a social networking tool. I am not extensive user of it. But I still feel, if it were introduced as social networking tool, it should remain so. But, in my opinion, it is becoming more like just another place where people hang around and discuss silly things, join insane communities. Of Course there are good things you can do with it. But there are things you cant or not advicable to do in public space. For example, recently I came to know there were writings (scraps) on love proposals between two fellas. Committing personal relationship in full glare of public! Is this mean of exhibitionism? or you call something else? Personal things gone to winds in this social networking place.
March 11, 2006
Who is John Galt?
This is the question I try to answer. Those of you read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, might have got idea what I am talking about. For those who didn't, do have guts to ask me, for which you will get an awkward reply cos I am still thumbing through the pages. I don't say that I have little or no time to update this blog, but it is kinda become, spending lesser and lesser time towards my creative side. It is being eaten upon by so-called important things. More I work on my dreams, more revealing is harsher reality. Self-doubt consumes like anything. At these times, self-confidence raises the morals to great heights. It instills courage, when you are in utter pain, stress, despair and anguish. But still one corner of my heart says go through these pains for the better tomorrow. I think this hope is running everyone lives. Going through this phase and hopefully I will wade through successfully.
When something is extracted from you and end up losing energy to liven up your dreams, you look for something that motivates you, inspires you, energizes you.... I am looking for that inspiration. I am searching it. I am in hunt for its source. In short I am trying to get answer for: "Who is John Galt?".