I always wonder, why we should grow in life? How one's life would be, if one always remain as a child??!!!
Always playing, no responsibilities, no bothering of anything, no competition, no ego problems, no expectations, no failures, no work, no something.....
Just feeling happy at smell of soil after rain, happy at seeing rainbow, happy by thinking our virtual friends, happy whenever flower blossom, happy at seeing puppy, happy at seeing sun set, happiness at everything and at all time. So much is missing now!! Whenever I see a child, I amuse about how happily they are enjoying oblivious to the chaos in outer world.
Will this happiness out of nothing, that is so natural in children, which we have experienced and forgot completely, return to us??? Well, if I am given some boon, I would choose my time space return to my childhood days, so that I would change the events whichever way I like it. May be that machine shown in the film DejaVu, I need it. Fantasy is driving me. :-)
January 27, 2007
Happiness - A Deja Vu?
January 10, 2007
Best Ad ever seen!!
First time I saw this commercial, I said to myself, this is the best creative one I have ever seen so far. The guys behind this are really, really, really creative.
This commercial is done for this company. Their product is basically a chewing gum. The idea of any ad is to convince the customers to try their products. And then comes the user loyalty, customer base, market capitalization, brand awareness fundas. This least bothers end consumer. All any company wanted to do, is to drive the point to the targeted audience about their product.
Some Ads like this one, in my opinion, might not do its purpose. Common audience like me, is so engrossed in the Ad, and talk about its creative aspects rather than that of the product it is advertising. Viewers are more interested to share the idea behind the Ad rather to try out the product. In fact, I have seen this Ad couple of times on TV, appreciated much but, never tried the chewing gum.
This kind of commercials gives Ad agencies a lot of reputation among its peers and in the industry. It also brings accolades, awards and much of limelight. But these are all cost of what?? -- The Actual Product!!
The product will be much spoken about not for its characteristic, rather about the commercial which introduced it to the public!!! This is the last thing that a company wants.
January 09, 2007
Travel to Eat!!!
While I was coming back from work in bus, I met a guy, whose natural look gave me hint that he is basically from north of vindhyas. And, actually he is. I observed him for sometime. He is very new to the city. So he was asking, when will I reach Marina Beach?, how far is beach from here?, At what time bus will reach central? and things like that.
This obviously pushed me into thinking that he got some important work to reach his destination, sowcarpet - the famous for saettujis, marwari, & gujju gals and of course pani puri.
He was very eager to get down nearly 5 to 6 kms ahead, to avoid the traffic jams, bus suttifying the singara chennai. This made me really curious to find out what actually he is upto.
He recently joined the company I work for. He came to city just 2 days before. And he is staying at Tambaram - a sub-urban area, which is over 25 kms away from the city.
Interestingly, his visit to sowcarpet is not for any relative visit, or temple visit. His sole purpose to visit this part of the city is to have his Dinner!!!! Interestingly, he is doing this, two days in row and planning to continue for some time in the near future.
God, he travels nearly 50 km (to & fro) to have his dinner!!! This doesn't mean we have great hotels or restaurants in this neck of wood. Rather, hardly few single digit numbered ones (not even good ones) exist here.
He said he is going to one Gujju hotel to have rotis and sabjis. He is having one heck of a time with our idlys, dosas, sambar and rasams. He complained that he could not eat south Indian dishes even once in a day. And naturally, he starts to ponder on the physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, culturology of eating habits of people...... Thinking, how desperate he is to have his usual food!!!
If I were in some part of Bihar or Punjab or UP, perhaps, I might be blaming on rottis and sabjiis!!!
January 02, 2007
Patience is Virtue!!
Updated (05/01/2007):
Yes, waiting may be virtue. I got what I was waiting for. I was waiting for this. I saw, not-satisfied, as many souls decide, me also looking for Nov'2007 !!!
~ ~ ~
Patience is Virtue. It is an old adage. Waiting is Virtue. This is a new one by me. At least for today.
Am Waiting for this ....