I was fed up with my old P3 machine for a long time. Even to run the age old NFS2 game, I gotto make all other process to stop. My firewall would itself consume all the memory. This made the booting time of the machine to good 10 mins. This also made me to schedule time for other things during my pc boots up. Even after machine is up, if I start to run two or more softwares, the PC would be dead by that time. All brickbats from my bro and sis. At last, I have decided to have new machine.
When I started to ask people which one is better one to buy, every one, literally everyone, asked me to go for P4. I was thinking I could try something else and buy the best within my budget.
I began to hunt all the websites, signed up in many tech forums, started threads to ask people who knows in and out of hardware parts.
To be honest, every one gave me good advice on how to buy. I kept questioning HOWs and WHYs on various components. Answers were simply flowing. Few answers were beyond my understanding. Some how I manage to understand after persisting questioning. The guys out there were patient enough to answer all my queries. This made me feel armed with more information on what machine should I buy.
I was lucky to decide to buy machine during the period when Intel introduced its juggernaut proccy Intel Core 2 Duo. At the same time, AMD slashed its processor prices to the whopping 50%!!!
50% dude!!! Its not a small amount. The 16 k proccy now, I can buy it for just 8k!!! That's what I did.
My new machine:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
MSI K8N mobo
Nvidia GeForce chipset
Though it may not suppress the new Intel Core Duo, still it beats hands down all the machines in the 12 k price range (proccy + mobo).
Now, never experienced, gr8 computing happening at home. At the end of the day, I am contented that I have got the best config at best prices. :-)
Now, never experienced, gr8 computing happening at home. At the end of the day, I am contented that I have got the best config at best prices. :-)
even i am stuck up with p3 800 .
i am not gonna shift..probably will go for a laptop and not for a desktop
u could have also thought abt buying a laptop
hmm.. laptop good option... but now satisfied with this one...
Hey, What ever you may say Laptop is not a real substitute for a Desktop. Desktop always has its own advantage. Its a better option to buy a desktop until & unless you are a frequent traveller!
a laptop is a thiousand times better than a desktop. period.
btw, y did u get 512 MB ram?? what will u do when u get vista? upgrade man!
laptop is better in terms of mobility. Thats one gr8 advantage. Now a days, Laptops are burning due to the lithium basd batteries.!!!
@ashish: wen vista comes i wuld upgrade then. simple. :-)
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