October 30, 2005


Again I am back...long time gap...hmmm...The reader might have thought I would have been busy all these time...Perhaps not. Perhaps yes. I am in different phase of my life. From college to work. Lots of changes. Lots of friends lost. Lots of friends gained. When I try to rewind the past(College life) it seems it went past like a flash in front of my own eyes. The moments I enjoyed in college would never return. I understand the trueness of this statement only after coming out of college. Pity late. Four years in four seconds. Came. Went.

This is how my lonely moments are spent.Digging the memoirs of College life which brings big curve on my face.Sometimes laugher.Often inviting raised eyebrows on others.. :) Come on dude... this is how life moves. Shakes. Rocks!

Recently I read a book called "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" by Robin Sharma. No review.The book is perhaps best self-help book I have read ! The reading went like dusting my 22 year old memory and brought my good old habits.The book didn't enlightened me with highest knowledge but explained how simple actions,positive thoughts could bring joy in our life. Positive. Contentment. Happiness.

Atlast I configured my system with perfect dual boot in my not very old machine.It took nearly 10 times formatting the hard disk in a period of 6 months. Hours of patience. Hours of pain in sitting.Hours of learning. Satisfied. Still learning.

Now planning to put my muses here often. Think. Plan. Execute.