July 13, 2005

Indian Union

"India's share of world income collapsed from 22.6% in 1700, almost to Europe's share of 23.3% at that time, to as low as as 3.9 % in 1952" - Source

Its really stunning information as editorial says. Looking this statistics isolately, I imagined what would happened all these years if we were maintaining the same income rate and if there were no british invasion,congress formation,freedom struggle so on and so forth, there would be no partition taken place,rather Indian Union of Princely states (IU) would have existed, similar to EU,as it would have been difficult to integrate princely states at that time without nationalistic ideas.

Thanks to British Raj, there is no 9/11 or 7/7 in Delhi or Bombay.


shivkrish said...
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shivkrish said...

I really didn't get what you are trying to say! What does India's share of world income have to do with partition or 9/11 or EU?? *confused*

sai thilak said...

No confusion here.If India were allowed to perform at same rate and i said isolately looking to the statistic - that excludes british invasion, partition ,congress formation so on and so forth. Then IU would be possible. get it ?

oremuna said...

This is true.

But idiots like out PM and some others dirty rougues (sorry for the language) praises British for all the nonsence.