September 18, 2006

Bholu-Lalu :- The Management Guru

Our own Lalu Prasad Yadav has become talk of the town. When I read a small column about his recent venture in ET, I was very curious to know how things actually are. Googled and found quite a good number of stories. Every one from blogs to news papers to TV portals talking about his latest avatar: Teaching management lessons at IIM A!!!

Few months back, he might have worried about his poor amount of attention he was getting in public. Now, the spotlight turned on him. He did some magic perhaps, the loss making railway made a complete U-turn. Some say, he has became darling of corporate houses. Find more here and here and here.

This made a professor at IIM A to do a case study on him. So he is taking management lessons at the prestigious institute.

This the mascot of Indian Railways: Bholu

Perhaps in the future, this bholu would be replaced with our Lalu, waving the green flag. :-)

The caption would read like this:

Lalu The Guard

Position Alternative III
Lalu, the guard showing green flag to the train.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have read abt it.
he made indian railways the most profitable PSUs its really hard to imagine he was voted the best perfoming minister in the cabinet remember he had to compete with ppl who had very good degrees from reputed univs

Fantastic that guy is..
to make profits
