January 10, 2007

Best Ad ever seen!!

First time I saw this commercial, I said to myself, this is the best creative one I have ever seen so far. The guys behind this are really, really, really creative.

This commercial is done for this company. Their product is basically a chewing gum. The idea of any ad is to convince the customers to try their products. And then comes the user loyalty, customer base, market capitalization, brand awareness fundas. This least bothers end consumer. All any company wanted to do, is to drive the point to the targeted audience about their product.

Some Ads like this one, in my opinion, might not do its purpose. Common audience like me, is so engrossed in the Ad, and talk about its creative aspects rather than that of the product it is advertising. Viewers are more interested to share the idea behind the Ad rather to try out the product. In fact, I have seen this Ad couple of times on TV, appreciated much but, never tried the chewing gum.

This kind of commercials gives Ad agencies a lot of reputation among its peers and in the industry. It also brings accolades, awards and much of limelight. But these are all cost of what?? -- The Actual Product!!

The product will be much spoken about not for its characteristic, rather about the commercial which introduced it to the public!!! This is the last thing that a company wants.


Unknown said...

hey seriously cool ad!! One of the best ive seen, no doubt!!

sai thilak said...

Yes Vikram. It bagged the best Ad award of 2006 (NDTV Profit) recently.

Unknown said...

oh no wonder....its a brilliant ad....one of the best Indian ads ever.

Ashok Varda said...

See the ad for AAH AAH FM da