April 21, 2007

Like smoke in air

Long ago, not so long ago, but some 10 years ago, I was studying in 8th std. One day, my english brahmin teacher, took a class on vegetarianism. I wont say his speech made me numb and speechless n all but good enough to sow seeds deeply in this invincible mind. At that time I decided to be veggie until I finish my schooling. I successfully accomplished it and I continued to do so for the years to come, just for sake of doing it. Now, ten years still I am going great without the so called brown foods.

Many a time, I amuse about how well I managed without eating or not even getting tempted to eat non-veggie all these years. This sometimes make me proud and display to my friends that I am veggie for a decade still going strong.

This got broke like an amused cyclist breaking his jaw, knocked down by a speeding PTC bus, while watching Mallika Sherawat on roadside billboard . That day, that brown day I call it, that hot afternoon, our team went to eat hot food in a hotter restaurant but not with the hottest chicks :-(

My instinct says that restaurant guy woven a conspiracy against me. Because he was responsible to break my 10 year vow! We were waiting for starters to come. See, people with me are part of bigger responsibility of making the poultry population equal to the people population on earth. You got it rite. They ordered those brown items along with the green items.

The conspirator placed the items on the table. All the arms were elbowing each other to get those greens and browns. Lot of competition you see, so I was jumping in the crowd and found one item that set my eyes sparkle. It was tagged as "gobi manchurian", so my hands went down, collected handful and went in my mouth.

I ate them and shared with all my veggie friends. While eating I found something odd but I never want to know, as I was focusing on the delicious items. After some five to six pieces went in to my stomach, the conspirator changed the label of the dish I was eating to "chicken 65"!!!

Arghh!! My vow was broke. Decade long vow broken. It was broken like breaking 10 sticks at one go.

Later, it was very amusing thinking about what had happened to me after eating something I didn't eat for such a long time. But it felt like smoke in air. Up she goes (down she goes I should say) and disappeared. I felt as everyone would feel, all food make sense up to our end of the tunnel called tongue, once it goes down the pipes, all are nothing but the mesh of some complex organic (some times inorganic) fibres.


Nimme said...

see u must sit next to ppl who eat vegg foods rather than attempting to sit next to so called hot chicks.

now i understand why u messed it up

btw 8th brahmin teacher?
thank god u dint tell me u changed for a 8th std brahmin girl ;)

sai thilak said...

who knows, I might have changed :)