April 01, 2007


Change is perhaps the only thing that is permanent in life. Life itself, is a changing tide, so as this blog :-)

This blog is changed from this one,

to the one you are reading. One obvious mistake you would have found, is title of the blog. The spell change, that I fail to find it so long. what's a big deal, here lives are changing (or exchanging!!), what's in a spelling change?

All this time I want to dirt my hands with the HTML changes in template section of blogger, to get better presentation. But, blame it on my webpage design skills, every three months are so, I feel compelled to change to default themes given by blogger. This might be the main reason (de-motivating factor) for not posting regularly. I think this time I got a better one and now I will concentrate on the content and share the muses of this invincible mind!!

Men do change, and change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass. - by John Steinbeck

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